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Our Most Popular Courses

Thinking of what to study next?

Below you can find a list of our most popular modules and courses!

R1350 | Technical & Ethics

The fundamentals of practice management for representatives

Practice management is a very wide topic which is often used in conversations amongst financial advisors. This module highlights all the key fundamental building blocks that are necessary to build, establish, and maintain a successful practice.

R150 | Technical

The significance of agreements in respect of non-life insurance advice (Commercial lines)

The success of every advisory business is a function of the number and value of transactions. Every transaction between a client and advisor is based on an agreement. During this session you will gain valuable insights into the significance of the various agreements that are concluded between clients and their nonlife commercial lines advisor.

R150 | Technical

The significance of agreements in respect of non-life insurance related advice (Personal lines)

The success of every advisory business is a function of the number and value of transactions. Every transaction between a client and advisor is based on an agreement. During this session you will gain valuable insights into the significance of the various agreements that are concluded between clients and their nonlife personal lines advisor.

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